Salman Khan's box office power is growing every day. A trade source reveals, "The satellite rights of Dabangg-2 have been reportedly picked up for ` 42 cr. This is actually the highest ever for a Bollywood film."
The same trade source also reveals how a film corporation reportedly asked for ` 85 cr for the combined satellite rights of Rowdy Rathore, Ek Main aur Ekk Tu, Paan Singh Tomar and Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya.
However, the television channel who purchased the rights brow-beat them and ultimately the film corporation had to allegedly sell the rights of the four films combo for just ` 56 cr!
This sale reveals two things. One of course that Salman alone (almost) equals four heroes Akshay Kumar, Imran Khan, Irrfan Khan and Riteish Deshmukh.
Second all the hype and hoopla surrounding satellite prices is in many cases exaggerated. ` 56 cr for four films is a modest price not a very big one," continues our source. "Satellite prices are only fantastic when the franchise (in this case Dabangg) or if the lead actor Aamir, Salman or Shah Rukh) is super established. Hrithik Roshan (Krrish-3 and Agneepath) and Ranbir Kapoor (Rajneeti, Rockstar) are also considered top league and do manage enviable prices. And Ajay Devgn is also being closely watched after Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai and Singham; but the rest of the heroes' films are still getting modest prices for satellite."
Another clause which most filmmakers conveniently leave out when bragging to the media about their satellite sale, is that the channel buying the rights invariably has a clause that says that the airing right prices may be brought down if the film doesn't fare well at the box office.
The same trade source also reveals how a film corporation reportedly asked for ` 85 cr for the combined satellite rights of Rowdy Rathore, Ek Main aur Ekk Tu, Paan Singh Tomar and Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya.
However, the television channel who purchased the rights brow-beat them and ultimately the film corporation had to allegedly sell the rights of the four films combo for just ` 56 cr!
This sale reveals two things. One of course that Salman alone (almost) equals four heroes Akshay Kumar, Imran Khan, Irrfan Khan and Riteish Deshmukh.
Second all the hype and hoopla surrounding satellite prices is in many cases exaggerated. ` 56 cr for four films is a modest price not a very big one," continues our source. "Satellite prices are only fantastic when the franchise (in this case Dabangg) or if the lead actor Aamir, Salman or Shah Rukh) is super established. Hrithik Roshan (Krrish-3 and Agneepath) and Ranbir Kapoor (Rajneeti, Rockstar) are also considered top league and do manage enviable prices. And Ajay Devgn is also being closely watched after Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai and Singham; but the rest of the heroes' films are still getting modest prices for satellite."
Another clause which most filmmakers conveniently leave out when bragging to the media about their satellite sale, is that the channel buying the rights invariably has a clause that says that the airing right prices may be brought down if the film doesn't fare well at the box office.
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