Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who is currently shooting in London for his upcoming film is apparently all set to come back home by the end of this month. A source says that SRK is missing ghar ka khana the most but that is not the only reason he is excited to be back.
“Shah Rukh was in London for quite some time because of the extensive shooting schedule, which is due to wrap up by this month end. But he also wants to come back so that he is on time to prep up his cricket team for the upcoming matches. SRK likes to be involved with his team members so he wants to be there for them and not miss out on it for anything,” informs the source. Well, no matter what the reason is, it’s always nice to see the dimpled star on home turf.
“Shah Rukh was in London for quite some time because of the extensive shooting schedule, which is due to wrap up by this month end. But he also wants to come back so that he is on time to prep up his cricket team for the upcoming matches. SRK likes to be involved with his team members so he wants to be there for them and not miss out on it for anything,” informs the source. Well, no matter what the reason is, it’s always nice to see the dimpled star on home turf.
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