Ram Gopal Varma, who turned 50 Saturday, received several birthday wishes from Bollywood celebrities like Abhishek Bachchan and Madhur Bhandarkar. Not only did he acknowledge each message individually, he made sure he gave out witty responses.
"I want all you people who wished me the best year last year to know that I didn't have best year. So I advise you all to keep ur wishes to yourself," tweeted Varma.
Here's how Bollywood celebrities wished Varma on Twitter, followed by his amusing responses:
Abhishek Bachchan tweeted: Today is @RGVzoomin's birthday and nothing would irritate him more than ALL of twitterverse wishing him. So PLEASE send him "sweet" msgs. Happy birthday RAMU Nana. Have the best year ever and keep smiling!!!!
Varma replied to Abhishek, saying: "@juniorbachchan you wished me the same last year to have the best year and I had the worst year."
Karan Johar tweeted: "Happy birthday @RGVzoomin... I would wish you love and happiness but am sure you much prefer blockbuster success!!!"
In response to this, Varma tweeted: "@kjohar25 Well Karan I guess I had enough gham and I wouldn't mind a little khushi... thank you from my heart for your wishes."
Madhur Bhandarkar tweeted: @RGVzoomin My heartiest wishes to you on your birthday. Have a successful year filled with success and glory."
Varma's reply to Bhandarkar's wishes was: "@mbhandarkar268 you couldn't have gotten more cliched than this... thanks anyway."
"I want all you people who wished me the best year last year to know that I didn't have best year. So I advise you all to keep ur wishes to yourself," tweeted Varma.
Here's how Bollywood celebrities wished Varma on Twitter, followed by his amusing responses:
Abhishek Bachchan tweeted: Today is @RGVzoomin's birthday and nothing would irritate him more than ALL of twitterverse wishing him. So PLEASE send him "sweet" msgs. Happy birthday RAMU Nana. Have the best year ever and keep smiling!!!!
Varma replied to Abhishek, saying: "@juniorbachchan you wished me the same last year to have the best year and I had the worst year."
Karan Johar tweeted: "Happy birthday @RGVzoomin... I would wish you love and happiness but am sure you much prefer blockbuster success!!!"
In response to this, Varma tweeted: "@kjohar25 Well Karan I guess I had enough gham and I wouldn't mind a little khushi... thank you from my heart for your wishes."
Madhur Bhandarkar tweeted: @RGVzoomin My heartiest wishes to you on your birthday. Have a successful year filled with success and glory."
Varma's reply to Bhandarkar's wishes was: "@mbhandarkar268 you couldn't have gotten more cliched than this... thanks anyway."
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