Is there a leaked photo of Aishwarya Rai with her daughter Beti B on Twitter? A photo of Rai holding a baby and smiling warmly flooded the social networking site tonight and was passed on by thousands of fans who excitedly proclaimed it to be a photo of Aishwarya and her daughter. They also "confirmed" that Beti B had been named Abhilasha, which is a rumor that has been debunked by Amitabh Bachchan but which refuses to go away.
Unlike so many of the pictures of Aishwarya and Beti B that have shown up online since the star gave birth three months ago, this picture is not a fake. It hasn't be photoshopped and it really is Aishwarya in the photo.
But Amitabh and Abhishek swore they'd never release a photo of Beti B, so how is it possible that one has found its way to Twitter?
Well of course the answer is obvious: the baby in the photo isn't Beti B at all. At least it should be obvious to anyone who's seen the picture—the child in the photo is much older than Beti B, and Aishwarya Rai appears much younger (and more slender) in it than she does now.
So who is she holding in the picture? It's actually her brother's son, Vihaan. In fact a few Twitter users have pointed that out but to no avail—the world wants to believe that the gorgeous photo is of mother and daughter, rather than of aunt and nephew. Twitter may be a great communication tool but at times it's a horrible incubator of rumors and lies, and this is one excellent (although somewhat benign) example of that.
Unlike so many of the pictures of Aishwarya and Beti B that have shown up online since the star gave birth three months ago, this picture is not a fake. It hasn't be photoshopped and it really is Aishwarya in the photo.
But Amitabh and Abhishek swore they'd never release a photo of Beti B, so how is it possible that one has found its way to Twitter?
Well of course the answer is obvious: the baby in the photo isn't Beti B at all. At least it should be obvious to anyone who's seen the picture—the child in the photo is much older than Beti B, and Aishwarya Rai appears much younger (and more slender) in it than she does now.
So who is she holding in the picture? It's actually her brother's son, Vihaan. In fact a few Twitter users have pointed that out but to no avail—the world wants to believe that the gorgeous photo is of mother and daughter, rather than of aunt and nephew. Twitter may be a great communication tool but at times it's a horrible incubator of rumors and lies, and this is one excellent (although somewhat benign) example of that.
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