Salman Khan, who is back after the shooting of ‘Ek Tha Tiger’ in Cuba, on Friday came out in support of his fellow actor Saif Ali Khan, saying that media should have waited for his version and dug out the facts before running what was carried on television, Zee News reports.
“Even the press yesterday was all for the other guy. They didn`t even bother to ask what happened to Saif. Did Saif got wacked first or not? We should have waited for Saif to come out and say what he had to say,” Salman told reporters after he was asked to comment on the incident.
“We are actors and we have been in the industry for the longest time. Saif has been in the industry for 18 years. We knew the guy,” added the actor.
Salman is the face of the History channel and was attending the unveiling of TV 18`s Big initiative.
Saif was involved in a scuffle early on Wednesday at Wasabi, the Japanese restaurant at Taj Mahal Palace with South Africa-based Indian businessman Iqbal Sharma. The latter alleged that Saif abused and assaulted him and his father-in-law and filed a complaint at the Colaba police station, the actor said he was provoked to do so.
Following Sharma`s complain, the 41-year-old actor was arrested on Wednesday evening with two others – Shakeel Ladak and Bilal Amrohi. Police detained the trio at the Marine Drive police station and later brought them to the Colaba police station. The interrogation of the trio lasted an hour. Later, the actor and his two friends were freed on personal bonds of Rs 3,000 each.
“Even the press yesterday was all for the other guy. They didn`t even bother to ask what happened to Saif. Did Saif got wacked first or not? We should have waited for Saif to come out and say what he had to say,” Salman told reporters after he was asked to comment on the incident.
“We are actors and we have been in the industry for the longest time. Saif has been in the industry for 18 years. We knew the guy,” added the actor.
Salman is the face of the History channel and was attending the unveiling of TV 18`s Big initiative.
Saif was involved in a scuffle early on Wednesday at Wasabi, the Japanese restaurant at Taj Mahal Palace with South Africa-based Indian businessman Iqbal Sharma. The latter alleged that Saif abused and assaulted him and his father-in-law and filed a complaint at the Colaba police station, the actor said he was provoked to do so.
Following Sharma`s complain, the 41-year-old actor was arrested on Wednesday evening with two others – Shakeel Ladak and Bilal Amrohi. Police detained the trio at the Marine Drive police station and later brought them to the Colaba police station. The interrogation of the trio lasted an hour. Later, the actor and his two friends were freed on personal bonds of Rs 3,000 each.
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